The library has a single station which can be used to access Westlaw. Offsite access is now available, and a library card is not required. Please ask at the Reference desk for assistance!
Westlaw is a legal research platform that offers continually updated collections of online databases that provide access to primary and secondary law sources, including:
- State and federal statutes
- Legislative histories and regulations
- Administrative rulings
- Published case opinions (historical and current)
- Court documents
In addition to the above resources, Westlaw also provides access to publications covering various law-related topics authored by judges and legal professionals, such as news and magazine articles, legal guides, law reviews, and journals.
Westlaw’s KeyCite online database tools allow users to search for and check the status and citation history of a court case, statute, regulation, or administrative ruling in order to determine if a citation is still good law. Researchers can also navigate through specific legal topics by using Westlaw’s Key Number System.
Ask a librarian to get started today!
Access Westlaw From Home
- NH Law Library's Westlaw Patron Access - Click the first link on the page, which says Westlaw Patron Remote for Pro Se/Non-attornies - Access Link
If you can't make it to the library, you can now access Westlaw from home! The NH Law Library is participating in the Westlaw Patron Access Remote Pilot program with Thomson Reuters to allow you remote access to Westlaw.
- When you click the NH Law Library's Westlaw Patron Access link above, then click the first link on the page, you'll need to complete a OnePass registration before accessing the online content. Click the Create OnePass Profile button and fill out the required fields. You will also need to set up a method for two-factor authentication, which helps to ensure the security of your online account. You will then need to check your email and click the link to validate, but you will only need to do this once!
- To access Westlaw Patron Access Remote again, come back to this website, click on the NH Law Library Westlaw Patron Access link above, and enter your OnePass username and password that you created previously. You may find yourself at https://signon.thomsonreuters.com after verifying your email, but that link will not provide access to Westlaw's content, and you will need to use the link provided by the library.