New math vs old math

New math vs old math

New math vs old math modern science is based on scientific paradigms in its development. Advanced scientific theories, as the basis of the paradigm, act as an axiomatic basis for further scientific research. In conditions of limited knowledge, the axiomatic approach in science is natural, as it establishes the world-view basis for interpretation of the results of scientific experiments and construction of scientific hypotheses. Enrichment of scientific knowledge, the emergence of new theories naturally leads to a change in the axiomatic base. The truth of scientific hypotheses is confirmed by experiments, the methodology of which is based on the condition of the possibility of repeated repetition. The condition of permeability of the results of the experiment by other researchers gives grounds to speak about the objectivity of the obtained results. But this seemingly inviolable foundation of an “objective” approach to the disclosure of scientific truths “gave a crack” when scientists approached the study of elementary particles. Quantum physics, attracting experimental facts, actualized the issue of the impact of the researcher’s consciousness on the results of the experiment. Physics has translated the facts of the activity of consciousness from the humanitarian sphere, linking verbs where the influence of consciousness on the final result has long been noted, into the field of natural sciences. Physicists had to admit that “objective physical processes also include the activity of consciousness (not only a human being) and the possibility of its functioning at various levels of reality. Consciousness, from the point of view of quantum mechanics, becomes an element of the physical world, as its activity is directly related to changes in the state of the system possessing

New math vs old math

consciousness. The phenomenon of consciousness is connected with the sequence of different internal states of the system, and if the state never changes, then we can talk about complete absence of consciousness. In other words, the change of states is a necessary condition for the presence of consciousness in any system. Quantum experiments served as a basis for physicists to propose the hypothesis that human consciousness, his choice establishes certainty in the chaos of uncertainties of possible future developments. Now this hypothesis finds a certain scientific confirmation not only with respect to the microcosm. For example, the proof of influence of human consciousness on material structures in the macrocosm is the results of experiments obtained in researches under the guidance of Dr. Maslova L.I. The information formed simultaneously by a large group of people changed the blood structure in people located at a distance of hundreds and thousands of kilometers from the source.

In addition to the above, if we are to be completely consistent, we must also recognize the objectivity of the information connection between different levels of consciousness, which has long been talked about by esotericists, but has not been recognized by scientists as a channel of valuable information for so long. But the truth here as well, even if it is difficult, breaks its way in people’s minds. And here is the confession of a scientist, PhD M.B. Mensky: “Those unusual manifestations of consciousness that scientists are now just beginning to study, have long been known to esotericists. This recognition gives grounds to turn to the “hints” of mankind. The esoteric sources of information provide a rich material that confirms the conclusions of scientists. “Your consciousness is always primary. It is the consciousness that controls your thoughts and emotions. It is it that supplies the “building material” for your reality, which may be gloomy and gloomy, or may be bright and joyful. It is it that shapes your body. Thus, there is reason to believe that human consciousness is not only a form of reflection of reality, but also the mechanism for its formation. According to quantum theory, the universe is in two, generally interrelated states. The first appears before us as a vacuum, an ether. It is a coherent, connected state, a world of undeclared forms. Everything in it is kind of “smeared” – there is no space and no time in our understanding. But in this “smearing” abyss of potential possibilities of concrete (local) manifestations. The second state is a familiar for us world, a “decoherent” state; it is that concrete realized form from the invisible ocean of possibilities of the undefined world. Both states may pass into each other. Consciousness is a tool for such transition. Human Consciousness is able both to manifest for itself the already existing projections of reality (the Everghetian worlds) and to create new, previously nonexistent, interacting with the world of undeclared forms. This conclusion makes it possible to radically reconsider the importance of education in society.