How to help a child learn k-5 math

How to help a child learn k-5 math

Probably, many people are familiar with the situation when at the beginning of school children enthusiastically talk about the basics of mathematics, but soon after attending math lessons, they decide that the subject is complex and they will not “overpower” it. Indeed, mathematics is more difficult for students than, for example, literature, botany or history. K-5 math will help your child gain skills and confidence in primary school math. It is important to help the child develop his or her abilities in the exact sciences and not to miss the moment when the problem “does not go” to high school. It is not easy for a child to do this on their own without qualified help. Tips to help with the problem can be used to encourage interest in maths and cope with difficulties.

Talk to the teacher.
It’s worth talking to the teacher to understand what’s most difficult for a child. And maybe at first, when you notice the difficulties in math, talk to the teacher periodically. To be able to help your child at home in time to pass this or that material.

More practice
Practice and encourage mathematical games and puzzles. Use appropriate literature with practical tasks for different children’s ages. Your child will feel more confident knowing that they can solve a challenging task. But do not forget about the rule of 15 minutes. That is, you need to study for 15-20 minutes, then take a break, and then study again. Then the child’s brain will be able to assimilate information as much as possible.

Even a few minutes a day will help the student to cope with fairly difficult tasks. It is important to encourage interest in numbers and remember that our abilities are not limited. Therefore, if you systematically spend classes and games with your child with a mathematical bias, you will get an excellent result.

“Repetition is the mother of teachings.”
Often a new topic is hard to perceive as a child. The fault may be that the previous topic is not well understood. It is necessary to go back, repeat and help deal with the past material. For example, if the child in the early grades had difficulties with addition or subtraction, it is likely that multiplication and division will be given to him even more difficult. Therefore, our task is to work through each topic as much as possible, make sure that the child has learned it, repeat everything, and only then proceed to the new material.

Learn the multiplication table.
It really works. When you study the multiplication table, the speed of thinking, the speed of reaction increases. Do it in a game form for any activity: for a walk, for household chores and so on.

For example: How do I learn the multiplication table by 9 in 2 minutes?
You will only need to use two palms to do this.

Put your hands down with your palms, straighten your fingers. Now, to multiply any number by 9, just bend your finger under the number of this number (count left). The number of fingers before the one that is bent will be dozens of answers, and the next ones – in units. Here, for example, 6*9. We count from left to right to 6. Bend this finger (6) and now count again – we have 5 fingers left and 4 fingers right. We write down 5 and 4, and we see 54 in total.

It’s easy! 2 minutes and we know the whole column (by 9) from the multiplication table. It is not possible to say that the child has learned it by heart, but, nevertheless, using such a cheat sheet, the child quickly orients himself and counts everything.

Write down and look through
It is necessary to try to teach the child to paint his thoughts, the order of decision, action. In the case of an error, it will immediately become clear where the error was made, and you can easily eliminate the problem.

How to help a child learn k-5 math

Encourage .
Never say the child is wrong, try to see the logic in his decision. Try to praise him more often, always finding what for. Do not say that you do not like this subject, as this fact will not contribute to good performance. Even a little praise will help you feel that he has achieved something.

Use common core math example

Abstract thinking in junior high school students is not developed well enough, this fact must be understood and accepted. Visualization of the problem will help students find the right solution. Visual aids, drawings and other helpers will help. A student cannot solve an example in his mind, explain “on apples”. For better memorization in your child’s room, create a mathematical corner with tables, formulas and diagrams. Сommon core math example of problem solving. All the more so because now there are enough of these materials on sale.

Get the math closer…
Usually do not like what is bad, the result is not happy: bad grades, teacher’s reproaches, parents’ discontent. Explain to the student the importance of mathematics in human life. Correctly count and change in the store, and the amount of utilities.

Motivation is important in teaching the child mathematics. Learn is not for notes in the diary, not to please the teacher and parents, and not for admission to universities, but to learn how to analyze, find non-standard ways to solve, to make hypotheses. It is necessary to help the student to see the meaning in the study of science, to overcome fear of this science.

We hope that our article was useful for you and there will be no more sighs of sorrow in your family with one mention of the queen of all sciences – mathematics.