How many times a week do yoga

The number of classes depends on what goals you set for yourself, your level of preparation and capabilities. If yoga is something new and outlandish for you, then you can start with one class per week, and then increase both the number and duration. Over time, when you reach a certain level, you will either find at least a little time every day for what you love, or you will find a program that suits you perfectly.

For a beginner
For those who are just getting acquainted with the wondrous world of Eastern culture, health and philosophy, it is recommended to start with two, maximum, three classes during the week. If you devote less time to yoga, you will hardly notice progress. You should not overdo it either, yoga should bring you pleasure. The body needs about two days to put itself in order after intensive training. Therefore, the optimal schedule for a beginner is Monday and Thursday. If you perform simple and non-heavy exercises, you can also add Saturday to the schedule.

Increase the duration of training gradually. For example, fifteen minutes a month:

first month – one hour;
the second, one hour and fifteen minutes;

the third is an hour and a half.
At about the same interval, add another workout per week until their number reaches five. Consult with the teacher, he will tell you when you are ready to move to the next level.

For the average level of training
When you are already comfortable, choose yoga classes located in a convenient place, not far from your home or work, you can increase the number of classes. Be guided by what your mentor says. He knows better how and when to load you in order to achieve the maximum result. Do not forget about self-study. Small workouts can be done at home.

But you won’t achieve much only by home workouts, you still need to attend yoga courses at least three times a week. And the duration of classes should be at least an hour. And even better – two hours, perhaps with a short break.

The optimal weekly schedule is Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. So you more or less evenly distribute the load and leave yourself a day off that you can spend with family or friends. Of course, the prices of classes on these days may be higher than on Sunday, but it’s worth it. As a last resort, if you need to save money, sign up for the morning hours or buy a subscription. Usually the cost of morning workouts, even in such a large city as Moscow, is the lowest.

As practice shows, with increasing loads, the main problem is not the capabilities of your body, but time. We are all working, we are all busy. Every day there are some everyday issues, children require more of our attention. Therefore, approach the construction of the schedule soberly. Realistically evaluate your opportunities in terms of time. If you have problems, skip the workout or change the entire schedule. But then be sure to return to the original routine. In order not to lose what you have already achieved in yoga classes.

For a high level of training
Once you’ve made significant progress, you’re unlikely to have that question. Most likely, you will allocate an hour or two every day for training in our School, at home or in the fresh air. But don’t overdo it. Give yourself a day off from time to time. Take a break at least once a week.