Yard Waste Information


Brush which is placed at curbside must be cut into lengths not exceeding four (4) feet; contain no pieces of brush greater than five inches in diameter, and be tied in neat bundles the diameter of which shall not exceed one (1) foot and a weight of which shall not exceed greater than fifty (50) pounds.

There will be no pick up service during Holidays. For the holiday Solid Waste Collection schedule please click here


NOTE: Curbside Collection day will be the same as Solid Waste.


PLEASE NOTE: Only paper or plastic biodegradable bags. If you opt to use the plastic bio-degradable bags, the bags must be factory labeled "biodegradable". Yard waste bags, when placed curbside, shall not weigh more than 50 pounds each. 

Any yard waste placed curbside, which the Public Works Department refuses to collect, due to lack of compliance with the solid waste ordinance, must be removed from the curbside by the property owner/resident within twenty-four (24) hours of being provided notice by the Public Works Department that the yard waste will not be collected. 

NO COLLECTION – During the months of January, February, March and December. However, the Recycling Center is open year round. Residents may bring yard waste, Christmas trees etc. 

CHRISTMAS TREE CURB SIDE COLLECTION – Christmas trees will be collected curbside from Dec. 28 to Jan. 15, on the same day your trash and recyclables are collected. Alternately, residents may bring their Christmas trees to the Recycling Center.