Outside Work & False Alarms Invoicing
Outside Work
Billable vendor rate:
- Effective 7/1/21 - 6/30/22: $81.00
- Effective 7/1/22 - 6/30/23: $85.90
- Effective 10/1/23 - 6/30/24: $91.60
Cruiser rate:
- Effective 7/1/21 - 6/30/22: $12.50
- Effective 7/1/22 - 6/30/23: $14.00
- Effective 7/1/23 - 6/30/24: $14.00
False Alarms Invoicing
False Alarms Service Charge Fee Schedule
Section 5.801: DEFINITIONS
For the purpose of this Article, the following definitions shall be applicable:
Alarm System: Any assembly of equipment and/or devices which, with or without human involvement, is reasonably calculated to notify either police or fire officials and lead them to believe that there is a situation requiring their urgent attention.
Unfounded Emergency Call: Any response by police or fire officials to the activation of an alarm system, when no objective indication of a situation requiring their urgent attention is found by the responding police or fire offices; false alarm.
Section 5.802: SERVICE FEE
The owner of any premises served by an alarm system shall be obligated to pay a service fee to the City of Portsmouth for all unfounded emergency calls to that premises in excess of the number of such calls permitted by this Article. This service fee shall be in such amounts as may be determined on an annual basis by the City during its budget process. The service fee may be graduated to increase based upon an increasing number of unfounded emergency calls. (Amended 1/25/88; amended 04/16/2012)
Section 5.803: PERMISSIBLE UNFOUNDED EMERGENCY CALLS [Amended 04/16/2012]
The owner of any premises served by an alarm system shall be permitted the following number of unfounded emergency calls prior to the imposition of a service fee: A. Unfounded Emergency Calls to Police Department is Three calls per calendar year B. Unfounded Emergency Calls to Fire Department is Two calls per six calendar month period (January to June inclusive or July to December inclusive)
Any person, firm, or corporation maintaining an alarm system located wholly or in part on City premises shall be subject to the following provisions:
- A. Such alarm systems shall be maintained in strict conformance to any operating standards that may be from time to time promulgated by the Department Head with jurisdiction over the premises in which the alarm system is located. Not an Official Copy City of Portsmouth, NH Ordinances Page 9 Chapter 5
- B. A service charge shall be paid to the City department which monitors any alarm system. The rates to be charged for these alarm systems shall be established and adjusted as necessary by the City Manager with the approval of the Police Commission or Fire Commission, in the event the system is monitored by either department. This fee shall be payable in advance and no part thereof may be refunded or transferred. (Amended title of Ordinance & Section 5.804 and replaced Item B in its entirety 5/3/99)
Section 5.805: PROHIBITIONS
Direct Dialers: The use of so-called direct dialer tape alarm systems, which automatically engage available telephone lines, is prohibited within the City of Portsmouth Section 5.806: PENALTY Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of Section 5.805 of this Ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not more than $100.00 upon conviction.
Source: City Ordinance Chapter 5: Article VIII: ALARM SYSTEMS MONITORED BY THE CITY