History of Stormwater Management in Portsmouth

A Brief History of Clean Water and Portsmouth
In 1959, the City introduced a Stormwater/Sewage Separation Plan.
Passed in 1972 and amended in 1977 and 1987, the Clean Water Act (originally known as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act), which is intended to regulate discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulate quality standards for surface waters. The Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is charged with implementing the Clean Water Act.
In 2003 the EPA introduced the concept of Municipal Separate Storm Sewage System (MS4) Permits to guide authorities like the City of Portsmouth in managing their Clean Water Act requirements implementation. The MS4 must be renewed every five years; but it was not until 2018 that the revisions went beyond draft form. and the City knew what specific steps were required. The City of Portsmouth's stormwater management plan is designed to ensure the City's water discharges comply with the State of NH MS4 Permit requirements..
City of Portsmouth Stormwater Management Master Plan
Portsmouth introduced a specific Stormwater Management Master Plan in 2007.
In 2011 the City launched an effort to enhance its Stormwater Management Plan and has taken action to address regulatory requirements defined in the latest (July 2018) EPA MS4 Permit.